CSS selectors

So far, in past chapters we have applied styles to body and div like below:

width : 200px;


div -> selector

width -> property-name

200px -> property-value


CSS rule syntax

So the basic syntax for applying CSS rule is

property-name : property-value;



Now, let us see what types of selectors are available in CSS.


Tag name Selectors

You can apply style to any HTML tag, just by mentioning the tag name.


For e.g.,

HTML snippet

Hello world! Welcome to this tutorial page.


In the above HTML snippet, we can apply style to <body>tag as

Background-color : #e1e1e1;

ID Selector

ID selector is used to apply styles to an element with specific ID attribute in HTML tag.




HTML snippet:

Hello world! Welcome to this tutorial page.
<div id="mystyle">
This is the div where the CSS style is applied based on ID selector!

CSS snippet:

background-color : #d1d1d1;



The background color will be applied only to the div with id attribute as “mystyle”.

Class Selector

Class selector is used to apply styles to an element with specific class attribute in HTML tag.




HTML snippet:

Hello world! Welcome to this tutorial page.
<div class="class1">
This is the div where the CSS style is applied based on class selector .class1
<div id="mystyle">
This is the div where the CSS style is applied based on ID selector #mystyle!


CSS snippet:

background-color : #aaa;


The background color (#aaa) will be applied to the div with class name as “class1”.


Grouping selectors

You can apply same style for multiple selectors by comma (,) separator.

HTML snippet:

Hello world! Welcome to this tutorial page.
<div class="class1">
This is the div where the CSS style is applied based on class selector .class1
<div id="mystyle">
This is the div where the CSS style is applied based on ID selector #mystyle!

CSS snippet:

.class1, #mystyle{
background-color : #aaa;


The background color (#aaa) and padding will be applied to both the div with class name as “class1” and the div with id as “mystyle”.

Posted on July 22, 2014 in CSS

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